Professor Claudia von Werlhof called for the creation of the “Planetary Movement for Mother Earth”,May, 29th2010 at the International Goddess-Congress “Spirituality and Politics” at the Castle Hambach, Germany. (1) 300 participants signed as the first members of the movement.
“We have discovered that the military in the east and west has developed new technologies which could attack the planet and transform it into a weapon itself! This technological process is by no means controlled by the public (2)and it isnot even acknowledged by existing social movements.Moreover, these technologies can be used everywhere on the planet as “plasma weapons, weather war and geo-engineering“(R. Bertell). Not only do they multiply or enhancealready existing atomic and other technological (cf. British Petrolium disaster in theGulfof Mexico) dangers to an unimaginable extent, but their development and exercisesalso seem to be responsible for muchof the observedclimate changes and can endanger the existence of our Mother Earth as a whole!
We rise up against these new methods of making wareven in peace times!
We must act now, if we and our childrenare to have a future worthy of the name. We demand that these technologies finallybediscussed in public, examined by independent scientists and their use or the experimentation with them beforbidden as long as they are threatening life on Earth and the Earth itself (or are againstthe ENMOD Convention-adopted by the UN General Assembly 1977–which prohibits modifications of the environmentfor hostilepurposes). Until now a public discussion of these dangers has not occurred. On the contrary, any attempts of this kind havebeen actively impeded. If the activities of installations like HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) in Alaska, “Woodpecker” in the Ukraine, similar installations near Nishni Novgorod, in Norwegian Tromsö,in Puerto Rico and elsewhere are only harmless, why is no one allowed to know what they are really doing?
We want these technological developments exposed and examined everywhere, by climate and environmental conferences, by environmental organizations and in general by all social movements, by the scientific community and by politicians. Even the“World People`s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth“ in Cochabamba, Bolivia in April 2010 with 40.000 participants from all over the world did not have any discussion ofthe new military technologies on their agenda! It seems that up to now no one can or wants to make an estimate of the contribution of thesemilitaryexperiments to global warming, the climate crisis, apparently “natural” catastrophesand other alreadyexisting ecological damages.
As an eco-feminist and a researcher on matriarchy, acritic of capitalism, patriarchy and globalization (3).I came across the existence of these new technologies only through theinternational discussion of the thesis regarding some possible artificial triggers of the earthquake in Haiti in January 2010. When I mentioned this outrageous suspicion in an interview about “the crisis“ in the Austrian daily “Der Standard“ in February, a personal campaign against me was started by my own department at the university and practically by all Austrian print media. The aggressors claimed I supported an unscientific and absurd“conspiracy theory”, and that I therefore was mentally disturbed (4). The topic in question was obviously not supposed to be discussed or even to be researched.
During the following turbulent weeks I continued my own research on the question of what had really happened in Haiti. I examined the research of the internationally highly praised American natural scientist, Dr. Rosalie Bertell (Laureate of the Right Livelihood Award, 1986), and her practically unknown second book (2). Upon reading her book I started to understand the whole dimension of thetechnological “innovations”, mentioned above. Bertell has extensively and accurately traced the history of the development of new military technologies since the Second World War. They reach from atomic to non-atomic ways of mass destruction on the basis of the inventions of Nikola Tesla who died in 1943. Using Nikolas Tesla ́s ideas the military experimented with electromagnetic and scalarwaves and their artificial creation. Furthermore the military used these waves in unnaturally high intensities. By an installation of huge antennas or transmission towers these waves are focused in different frequencies and “shot” into the layers of the ionosphere where they may cause“cuts”or “holes”in the atmosphere(which is not just “air”, but a form of “matter” , a sort of thin “skin” that holds together protecting the Earthand the life on it). Another function of the “ionospheric heater” consists of heating the layers of the ionosphere, the “plasma”,and compressingand curvingitinto “lenses” in order to use them like a mirror for projecting the waves backanywhere on the Earth and beneath its surface–i. e. in form of the so called “deep earth-penetrating-tomography” –therebymapping the interior of the planet, and/ or causing seemingly “natural” catastrophes. In addition to the already dangerously huge ozone hole, a product ofnuclear tests,supersonic flight and rocket experiments, enormous thunder-storms, droughts, abnormal hurricanes, volcanic eruptions and giant earthquakes can be the destructive consequences of the application of these technologies, as Bertell noted. Furthermore there are related dangers because of the repercussions of intentional and unintentional interferences of waves, reactions of the magnetic field of the earth, like turbulences in theVan Allenbelts around the planet,and the fluid magnetic core in the interior of the planet. What has been happening with regard to the newtechnologies within the last 10years andwhat is planned for the future, we do not knowfrom the original book. However,Bertell, whose bookends with the year2000, is updating it now for the German edition and an English updated version to be released in the future.
Bertell`s book is needed as a source of information for the “Planetary Movement for Mother Earth” and the public in general. This book containsthe most seriouspossibleresearch on this topic worldwide. We are still looking for a publisher of the German edition!
The “Military Alchemists” –as I call them–in east and west, in Russia, America,Europe and elsewhere must be stopped from going forwardwith their plans, doing whateverthey want without any public control and consciously putting at risk the life on, below and above the surface of the planet and even the planet itself, without assuming any real responsibility, without being or feelingthe leastresponsible, for ourselves as civilians, the animal and the plant world, the climate and our Mother Earth. On the one handwe do not know much about the delicate blue heaven above and the corresponding worlds on and below the surface of the Earth.On the other hand the military seems to believe that the whole planet and all its “parts”-as they perceive them -are or have to be under their controlas if it could be managed like a machine, and as if they could act like “God” himself(as they imagine “him”)!
Thus, we call for an alternative science, one which works with and for nature, the planet, the Goddess, Mother Earth and not against them. Even non-military natural science and related fields of science which orient themselves toward natural science are heading in the direction of methods of destruction instead of preservation, so that life on earth is more and more receding. The military represents just the tip of the iceberg, albeit a very new, hyper dangerous and outrageous iceberg, as it attempts to transform the planet itself into a giant weapon, orhasalready succeeded in doing so! These experiments are not carried out during wartime or in thelaboratory only, no, we –literallythe whole human, animal and plant race –have beenin a very real everyday state of war for Decadesalready. And we did and do not even know about it!Should we know about it only when it is too late?
Worldwide we –women and men –are calling for action against this obviousthreat. Our Planetary Movement for Mother Earth is an answer to this form of globalization of militarism,militarization of Earth, planetary means of destruction,andtherelated“warwithout borders” of neo-liberal globalization (3), neo-colonialism, and capitalist patriarchy in general(4). Our movement foundedin the North completes the already existing and worldwide coming into being ofindigenous movements for Mother Earth and reminds us of our own old-European indigenous origin. And our movement is linked to Decades of struggles to recognize and to practice alternatives to capitalist patriarchy in all parts of the world. We cannotwant that our efforts are destroyed by destroying the planet!
The use and destruction of Planet Earth by military experiments have to be stopped immediately!
A new planetary civilization has to arise that respects and celebrates the diversityof life on this wonderful, beautiful and friendly planet(5). We say NO to the appropriation, transformation and destruction of life. Instead, we call for a deep understanding of our interconnectedness with our Mother Earthand all her creatures,which was our original relationship with Her and should be our normal attitude towards Her again. Aloving relationship with Mother Earthis our only choice!
Consider again the impact of the grotesque, irresponsible and nihilistic illusion of our capitalist-patriarchal civilization. Those in power thinkthat they have to or can “get rid” of Her by inventing a competing artificial “creation by destruction” in order to substitute Her with a supposedly “higher”, “better” and “nobler” world, a world that is under their exclusive control. Today this matricidal delusion is rampant in the military-industrial complex, but also everywhere else. It has to be stopped as soon as possible!”
To sign: If you want to sign the Planetary Movement, write to: Prof. Dr. Claudia von Werlhof,
Donation account: Claudia von Werlhof, Planet. Beweg. f. Mutter Erde
Bank account number 30053191867, bank code 57000 Hypo Tirol Bank, Innsbruck IBAN: AT755700030053191867BIC: HYPTAT22
Information: The MatriaVal-review will continuously report about the Movement. More Information in the MatriaVal, issue 12. For the future a special newsletter is schemed for all interested parties.
www.pbme-online.org speech of foundation by Prof. Claudia von Werlhof can be ordered at AVRecord, fax: 0531339145, tel. 0531-339157, mail:, keyword: Goddess-Congress, it is part by part also available on YouTube, 1. part