Dear all,
here is a summary of what I have learned about the Corona crisis so far, with your help.
The Corona disease is generally comparable to a not too severe flu epidemic in terms of its extent, course and deaths, although it is not a flu in the usual sense (Wodarg, Donner and other medical doctors). However, according to the policy of the WHO/Bill Gates (a major financier of the WHO, Engdahl) this is not the case. The WHO has downgraded its definition of a pandemic for Corona, so that corresponding measures can be declared and implemented. The situation is exaggerated (Wilcock), the test methods are scientifically unproven and extremely flawed (Bumbar), and deaths by various causes are attributed to Corona, although COVID-19 has not been identified as the cause of death.
In general, flu outbreaks cause up to ten times more deaths than Corona (Gates). No one, however, has ever declared a state of emergency, ordered a general mobilization and imposed a curfew for this reason – in other words, stopped all public and even private life, and all that even for an unlimited period! The idea that the Corona crisis is about people’s health can, therefore, be excluded. Otherwise, nuclear power plants, genetic engineering, nanotechnology and geoengineering, not to mention 5G, would never have been allowed.
The fact that the new Corona virus is genetically and nanotechnologically manipulated, i.e. that it is not a simple flu virus, seems to have been recognised by now. Perhaps it also exists in different, experimental forms, so to speak. The Italian virus is not like the Chinese, one is particularly violent, the other does not make you immune, and who knows what else will become visible, i.e. whether it must be considered a kind of bioweapon in the end (Queck).
The respective origin of the virus in different countries is also unclear. In any case, it does not come from any fish markets. It could also have been sprayed by airplanes, for which there are some hints (photos about northern Italy, Rocchesso). This way, an infection with it might also be possible by simply staying outdoor.
How is this situation to be interpreted?
Who has an interest in this drama of an artificial „natural disaster“? What does it do and what does it mean? That is what we do not really know yet. It is the great unknown in this clearly political game with „health“, which is and can be played amazingly with the whole world.
Pharmaceutical industry, vaccination advocates, compulsory vaccinations (Gates; Chossudovsky) with unforeseeable consequences, e.g. built-in nanosensors and implants for the physical-psychological integration of people into the „Internet of Things“ (digitalization, Agenda ID2020; Koenig), would mean the end of civil, and even human rights. In view of the ongoing technological progress this is possible today.
Bill Gates proposes a general vaccination certificate for the future, without which nobody should be able to travel! Of what are we reminded here? Soon, when there is a vaccine, everyone would eventually be forced to accept it – the Danish people have already decided to do so – we would submit to this completely opaque „health“ measure, probably becoming sick in the first place and above all to become manipulated and even controllable? The artificial crisis in the name of health would then have served to abolish human rights directly, physically, and to introduce a dictatorship worldwide!
It would then have become clear that the enemy was not the virus, but that the latter was a weapon against the real enemy: Us!
At the moment, nevertheless, the virus is already affecting people everywhere and in general, whether infected or not. The sudden shutting doen of normal public and private life – as in a kind of thrust reversal – is precisely what is causing the small- and middle-scale non-corporate economy to crash. This crash affects the medium and national economies and productive capital worldwide, and it benefits the corporations which will take over their markets. The huge debt which is now being staged to „save the economy“, will finally drive everyone into the debt trap (example Greece).
The biggest „controlled“ financial crash ever
Perhaps it is the biggest financial crash ever (Wolff), which is now being brought about in a deliberate and „controlled“ way, without there being any resistance or recognisable „culprits“. So, the financial system could be plundered one last time, then redesigned, including currency reforms, possibly the abolition of cash, inflation and a new, now the 4th industrial revolution.
The latter would consist in the broad application of new technologies – preached especially by the „Greens“ (Rifkin; EU Commission) – from nanotechnology, genetic engineering and AI to geoengineering and their cybernetic networking toward „convergence technology“ (esp. Freeland).
The US military manoeuvre „Defender Europe 2020“ with tens of thousands of soldiers, which is taking place simultaneously – but without masks or social distancing (Dinucci) – from April to June in Europe, will certainly also be related to this process. If major conflicts should occur, the international „law and order“ power will already be present to prevent larger difficulties from occurring. But who knows what else they have planned.
In the end, perhaps the much conjured New World Order would indeed be in place, which is already making its appearance via the UN/WHO as the MMK, a kind of „Medical-Military Complex“, by organizing all policies worldwide in the form of a medical dictatorship and – this way morally legitimized – not encountering much resistance anywhere. On the contrary, today the politicians worldwide speak an identical language referring to the virus-crisis, as if they had learned it by heart.
Jacques Atali: „A small epidemic will be enough to set up the NWO“
It is to be expected that the respective measures to restrict life could even increase in the coming days and weeks and would then be indistinguishable from the situation that follows the declaration of the state of war. This could include expropriation, rationing, bank closures and the temporary cutting off of basic services such as transport, food and energy. Now, in the shadow of the alleged catastrophe which, according to the UN Secretary-General, threatens the whole of humanity just as „climate change“ did before, everything seems somehow possible.
It is even conceivable that in the course of the year new epidemic surges will occur if the unanimity of support for the measures mentioned above should weaken (e.g. Wefferson).
The imminent achievement of a literal state of war is at least suggested by a political group which assumes that all this will happen for our benefit and will end with the proclamation of the liberation of the peoples by Donald Trump, among others. From my point of view, however, this completely non-transparent initiative only contributes to keeping the opposition quiet, instead of – like the Austrian protest group around Inge Rauscher and the German group around Ansgar and Helene Klein – starting to resist the coercive measures that in the meantime have been imposed on all of us without plausible or legally legitimized justification – even without any limiation in time (Rauscher; see also Klein in Germany).
The considerable, also extra-economic consequences, like the new „housewife-ization“ in the form of a general house arrest, extended housework and literally „upgraded“ homeoffice techno-prisons are not yet all described. But the first dead women murdered by their sons and husbands, together with an obvious increase in „domestic violence“, i.e. violence against women and children, have already been reported.
This, however, is masked by the triumphant cries of the digital industry, which now looks forward to its general and accelerated implementation, even in primary schools. What the hell do the dangers mean that are supposedly threatening life and limb, even by nature herself, if it is now possible to escape them through technology? The allegedly better, healthier and more protected „life“ will from now on be the one in which we best „merge“ with the computer (Kurzweil) by using implants and sensors!
Overthrow in all areas: Against us!
So, why is such an emergency stop and reorientation staged – worldwide? Certainly not in order to let it run out without any further consequences into a phase of re-normalization, in which all this will only be remembered like an evil spook. Rather, something quite different is to be expected, something for which the current situation is the prerequisite, a prerequisite that can certainly never again be created so easily. It is the precondition for a real revolution, a political, economic, technological, social, cultural and legal revolution from above, the one which otherwise would never have been possible!
It is certainly not to be expected that this overthrow will be for the benefit of those who are currently being deprived of their freedom and civil rights with the pretext of an epidemic.
If and where, under the present circumstances, people succeed in entering into a process of learning and reflecting about our way of life to date (Maaz), this will certainly be useful, as it was to be expected as well. There can arise insights that we need urgently. But it has not yet been noticed that our way of life is changing anyway, albeit into a completely different direction that has not yet been recognized in its „essence“. The change that awaits us is a technological one. We are supposed to become human-machines and „cyborgs“, so-called „trans-“ or even „posthuman“ beings, i.e. an „after“ of the human being (Sorgner, in general Schirrmacher). We are no longer intended to be human – namely, human/s the way we understand ourselves when we consider our rights, freedom and identity. It is not by chance that we have just lost them. According to Gates & Co, i.e. the WHO, this loss is then also be laid down, „certified“ through being vaccinated! – like cattle…
Until today, however, people have regarded technical progress to be a field of hope only, as if more of such progress could even be used „alternatively“. After all, it promises the „better life“ which is what we wish to achieve!
But what is to come is the „Digi-Prison“ (Werlhof), our existence as „information“ and „thing“ among others in the „Internet of Things“, the Mega-Machine. It will then certainly no longer be possible anymore to speak of „life“ in any sovereign, spontaneous, „healthy“ and truly humane sense.
Therefore, patriarchy must now come into view in order to recognize where we really stand today, because the invention of a „new, better life“ beyond Mother Nature and all other mothers has been patriarchy´s topic for a few millennia already. Now it has almost reached its goal, be it with or without the overthrow that is actually imminent. This overthrow will probably consist in accelerating and generalizing the processes necessary for it, enforcing them in the first place, and leading to a progress without human beings in the usual sense of the word. It is meant to be an overthrow against us, because otherwise our ongoing castration and subjugation – our mortification – would not have been necessary at all.
So, once again, everything is the reverse of what we are supposed to think and „perceive“. But this issue cannot be developed in detail in such a short article. You know I am working on it. But at the moment the first imperative is: Do not get vaccinated under any circumstances!
Your Claudia
Ärzte-Liste, 24.3.2020:
Attali, Jacques:
Bumbar, Zakleo Se:
Chossudovsky, Michel: After the Lockdown: A Global Coronavirus Vaccination Program…, Global Research, 24.3.2020
Dinucci, Manlio, Doctor Strangelove Takes Care of Our Health, Global Research, 25.3.2020
Donner, Monika:
Engdahl. F. William: Coronavirus, Vaccines and the Gates Foundation, Global Resesrch 20.3.2020
Freeland, Elana: Under an Ionized Sky, Port Townsend, Feral House 2018
Gates, Bill: You Can’t Travel Without a „VACCINE CERTIFICATE“
Klein, Ansgar und Helene: Sofortige Aufhebung aller in der „Corona-Krise“ verfügten Einschränkungen bürgerlicher Freiheiten! in NRhZ, Köln
Koenig, Peter: The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”, auf Global Research, 12.3.2020
Maaz, Hans Joachim:
Queck, Brigitte:
Rauscher, Inge u.a.:
Rifkin, Jeremy: Der globale „Green New Deal“, Frankfurt a. M., Campus, 2019
Rocchesso, Ricardo:
Schirrmacher, Frank (Hg.): Die Darwin AG, Köln 2001, Kiepenheuer & Witsch
Sorgner, Stefan: Transhumanismus, Freiburg 2016, Herder
Werlhof, Claudia von: Schöne „grüne“ Digi-Welt? Oder: Die neue „grüne Revolution“?
Wefferson, Jeff:
Wilcock, David:
Wodarg, Wolfgang:
Wolff, Ernst: