June 14, 2022 is the Tenth Anniversary of Rosalie Bertell’s Passing. PBME - the Planteary Movement for Mother Earth commemorates her with respect, appreciation and gratitude! We are wondering about…
Zum 10. Todestag von Dr. Rosalie Bertell
Am 14. Juni 2022 ist der 10. Todestag von Rosalie Bertell. Die PBME – Planetare Bewerbung für Mutter Erde gedenkt ihrer mit Hochachtung, Wertschätzung und großer Dankbarkeit! Was hätte Rosalie…
Global WAR-NING! – Geoengineering Is Wrecking Our Planet and Humanity – Global Research E-Book
with contributions by Vilma Almendra, Rosalie Bertell, Michel Chossudovsky, Josefina Fraile, Elana Freeland, Claire Henrion, Maria Heibel, Conny Kadia, Linda Leblanc, Claudia von Werlhof Published as E-Book on "Centre for…
Ein Aufruf für Mutter Erde und die Menschheit | Spinifex Press | Melbourne 2021
Warum wollen die Menschen nichts von der Gewalt wissen, die gegen Mutter Erde verübt wird? Ist es ein Tabu, ein Geheimnis zu lüften? Die Forschungen von Dr. Rosalie Bertell zum…
A Call For Mother Earth and Humanity | Spinifex Press | Melbourne 2021
A Call For Mother Earth and Humanity Claudia von Werlhof in: Renate Klein and Susan Hawthorne (eds.): Not Dead Yet. Feminism, Passion and Women’s Liberation, Spinifex Press, Melbourne 2021 …
RE-PUBLISHED Rosalie Bertell: Planet Earth – The Latest Weapon of War
This is the Foreword for Dr. Rosalie Bertell: Planet Earth – The Latest Weapon of War. Enhanced edition, Talma, Dublin 2020: What an incredible joy and relief to see Dr.…
Australia under fire: environmental warfare and the climate change deception
"It's doing their heads in, the screaming animals, the animals that are in pain, that are crying out in the forest, it's absolutely horrific,' Mr Targett said." "Few in the…
Greta y la Gran Confusión Segunda Carta Abierta a Greta Thunberg
Claudia von Werlhof y Grupo de Debate “Movimiento Planetario por la Madre Tierra” - Alexandra Danzl, Wolfgang Fischer, Maria Heibel, Thomas A. Mann, Dietmar Salamon, Thomas Schramm et al. Estimada…
Greta e la grande Confusione, 2. Lettera aperta a Greta Thunberg
Claudia von Werlhof e il gruppo di discussione del “Movimento planetario per Madre Terra”: Alexandra Danzl, Wolfgang Fischer, Maria Heibel, Thomas A. Mann, Dietmar Salamon, Thomas Schramm e altri, ottobre…
Greta e a Grande Confusão, 2.ª Carta Aberta a Greta Thunberg
Outubro de 2019 Claudia von Werlhof e o grupo de discussão do “Movimento Planetário pela Mãe-Terra” - Alexandra Danzl, Wolfgang Fischer, Maria Heibel, Thomas A. Mann, Dietmar Salamon, Thomas Schramm,…